Teachers trainings & workshops on counselling psychology


Today, children are one of the most vulnerable groups in the world due to various causes such as floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes and man-made disasters. , Political crises, conflicts between religious and ethnic groups, abuses, and so on. With a disturbing mindset invisible to others. Often they will show various negative perceptions and behavioral patterns labeled as “stubbornness”, “his or her way”, “evil”, “bad kid”, “stupid”. By other family members and teachers, friends, and community, including their parents, grandparents, and relatives. As a result, children become more helpless and live miserable lives, which can affect their daily lives and personality development. Sometimes they suffer from mental disorders such as depression, phobia, anxiety, and PTSD and control their whole life. Therefore, parents, teachers, and others, who are directly involved with children should have a proper understanding of deep child cognitive and behavioral issues to identify in advance to protect them.