Rule of Law Forum, which is affiliated with Asian Legal Resource Centre, has been undertaking its rule of law campaigning and policy advocacy work, including public interest litigation, for nearly 20 years. The Rule of Law Forum has deep experience in partnership and collaboration in the rule of law and human rights sectors, in advocacy and networking, and in knowledge generation, dissemination, and management. At the heart of the Rule of Law Forum’s approach is the need to empower and develop those individuals and groups who form the bedrock of Sri Lankan civil society, i.e., those at the rural and provincial levels where the majority of the people live but who require extra support. Rule of Law Forum’s offices are based within the headquarters of the Centre for Religion and Society, a non-profit organisation focused on promoting human rights, development, and inter-religious dialogue (central Colombo). In 2010, the Rule of Law Forum spearheaded a significant, high-impact campaign to change the term “rule by law”, which was the literal terminology used before the campaign, to “rule of law”, which gained common usage by the end.
RLF has been a long-term partner of a network of human rights organisations that have worked over a long period on human rights-related mitigation in collaboration with the Asian Human Rights Commission based in Hong Kong. This network has undertaken a large number of cases, particularly in relation to torture and ill-treatment, extra-judicial killings, the rights of children and women, and many other human rights issues. The work done by members of this network has been well documented and is available in the form of books and other publications, including online publications. Publications have been done in Sinhala, Tamil, and English. Also, a considerable amount of YouTube presentations and other social media publications have been done. In several instances, favourable judgements have been obtained from the supreme courts in SL, appeal courts, magistrate courts, and even some times in district courts. The knowledge gathered in this framework has been shared with UN agencies and also released to the media. Also, a large number of educational training programmes have been conducted, bringing in many organisations and individuals. RLF has very active work within these networks. The organisation works for marginalised communities to protect, promote, and safeguard their rights, and to raise and mobilise people for judicial, police, and constitutional reforms