SRI LANKA: Sharing basic documents relating to the issue of Rule under Section 42(2) of the Judicature Act by the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka against Mr. Nagananda Kodituwakku Attorney-at-law on 29th February 2024
Hong Kong, March 07, 2024
As there is a curiosity on the part of many persons and organizations about the Rule issued against Mr Nagananda Kodituwakku Attorney-at-law by the Supreme Court we are sharing the basic documents that provide the essential information about this case. The Rule was made under Judicature act 42(2) while ordering removal of Mr Nagananda Kodituwakku the office of Attorney-at-Law. Further, he is restrained from filing public interest litigation in his personal capacity.
A list of documents contained in this file is as follows.
a. Section 42(2) of the Judicature Act, which is the basis on which this Show Cause Notice was issued on Mr Nagananda Kodituwakku
b. A copy of the show cause notice issue on 27th February 20217
c. The Judgment of the Supreme Court dated 29th February 2024
d. Objections taken up to the alleged charges by the Respondent Nagananda Kodituwakku by way of written submission in reply to the Representiave of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka and also Hon. Attorney General
All these documents are contained at the following link.